Checking connection parameters

Your IP address

1. Speed — broadcast download speed

This setting shows your approximate connection speed to our data centers. It also affects how quickly your online broadcast starts and runs. As a webinar participant, this is one of the most important settings for you. The higher the setting, the better the image quality and stability of the webinar.

Our speed recommendations for streaming:

2. Ping is the time it takes for a request to travel from you to the server

Ping is the time it takes for a data packet to travel from your computer to another computer or server and back again. The higher the ping, the longer it takes for web pages, audio or video streams to load. In other words, the lower the ping (no more than 60 ms), the better for comfortable viewing of webinars. If you have high ping or you constantly get a large spread of results, then contact your internet provider and switch to a more powerful tariff.

3. Jitter is the variation in the delay of packets traveling from you to the server

Jitter is present in virtually all internet connections, whether via Ethernet (wired connection), Wi-Fi, or mobile networks. This metric can fluctuate when your network connection is under high load. For example, with Wi-Fi, the severity of jitter will depend on several factors, the primary one being the number of household devices using the Wi-Fi network. In an apartment building or office building where multiple offices are connected to the same network, this can be a significant problem. Even a large number of your own household devices can increase jitter or cause it to fluctuate wildly.

Jitter measurements:

How can I improve my jitter?

  1. Switch to a wired internet connection instead of Wi-Fi.
  2. Disconnect any devices that you don't recognize or that are no longer in use.
  3. Is it time to replace my Wi-Fi router? I need a better one.
  4. Contact your internet service provider and choose a more powerful plan.
  5. Consider switching to a different internet provider.